Center for Regional Peace Studies


The concepts of peace, security and non-violence have various aspects such as moral, psychological, religious, social, economic and political. It has not only a historical or cultural aspect, but also a cosmic dimension that transcends all boundaries and differences, including time and space. It can be said that it transcends the scope of human relations.

Strategic Geo-location, state evolution and character, social and economic development, and the presence of the state in global platform have broadened or narrowed the scope of peace, security and non-violence. Due to the Political awareness and stability, belief in human rights, etc. Eastern and Western perspectives on issues such as internal security and global terrorism, justice and forgiveness are vastly differentiate. However, such apparent differences are mainly of degree rather than kind.

Center for Regional Peace and Studies (CRPS) was formed in 2017 to assist in policy making to the government in this theme and developing strategies on its research, advocacy, and promotions. Center is manned with experienced researchers, policy analysts, academicians, independent intellectuals, and professionals; the center further engages such senior researchers with proven ability to bring up quality products through productive collaboration with the Think Tanks and other institutions inside the country and abroad.

Thematic Area

  • Peace Building Process
  • Conflict Studies
  • Defence and Cross Border Issues
  • Terrorism and Armed Industry
  • Human Security and Civil War
  • Cross Cutting Issues


  • Research Work
  • Intern
  • Conference and Seminars
  • Capacity Building Courses
  • Public Event
  • Outreach Program
  • Philanthropic Activities