Capacity Building Courses

We take this opportunity to critically reflect on our development efforts as we prepare to engage in upcoming days. The global community is awakened to a new era of redeveloping its human capital for the envisaged hope of growth and prosperity. In this reflection, RADD is pleased to present our broad and retailed training program to help redevelop an efficient human resource base in both the public and private sector institutions from around the globe.

The Design of the capacity building programs has taken cognizance of the fact that our institution and yours alike, have a mutual mandate to work together to enhance the performance capabilities of all with one important goal: ‘increased performance and productivity’. Our range of courses seeks to address both the narrow and broad needs of all our present and prospective clientele.

We have been conducting training through its various technical experts on various subjects related to research, community development, human rights, disaster management, and socio-political issues for hunting students and social activists. The training of RADD have contributed to hundreds of unemployed and unskilled man-power to boost their qualification leading to high profile career. RADD has designed its unique courses with immediate impact on practical implement and has planned to develop a professional training school to catch greater no. of seekers. View our capacity building courses