
Regional Alliance for Democracy and Development (RADD) is an autonomous, non-government, not-for-profit making, and non-partisan, apolitical organization established in 2017 A.D. by a group of intellectuals, academicians, thinkers, and development activist with proven excellence in their field. RADD aims to provide intellectual leadership to society fostering innovation in development and democracy.

Legal status: Registered in Office of the Company Registrar, Kathmandu (93/70/71), and Affiliated with Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu.


A conflict-free, democratic, and peaceful society based on the foundations of global solidarity, human rights, social justice, and economic prosperity.


Institutionalization of Peace, Social Harmony and Democracy, and Human Security at the grassroots level on the basis of values, beliefs, and practices.


Promoting solidarity and co-operation among the citizens


  1. Increasing citizens’ awareness, advocacy, and capability on civic and human rights
  2. Consolidating intra-and-inter-regional harmony, peace, and values
  3. Enhancing capacity in Research and Development (R&D), and Science, Information and Technology (SIT).


Regional Alliance for Democracy and Development (RADD) aims to enhance the civic and political capabilities of the peoples, organizations, and networks by forming alliances among the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and institutions nationally as well as internationally; generate and share knowledge among the CSOs on five major themes (Peace, Democracy, Human Rights, Development, and Global Brotherhood); and mount civil society campaigns to achieve critical public awareness about such issues and other agendas of relevance by advocating policy changes in government actions.

In pursuing its mission, RADD adopts Eco-Friendly Approaches guided by Transparency and Accountability ensured by Social Audit with a special emphasis on Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) and priority for the Disadvantaged Groups (DAG).

Manned with experienced researchers, policy analysts, academicians, independent intellectuals, and professionals, the alliance further engage such senior researchers with proven ability to bring up quality products through productive collaboration with the Think Tanks and other institutions inside the country and abroad.

RADD focuses on RESEARCH, INNOVATION, DISCOVERY, and OUTREACH through its five active centers;

  • Center for Regional Peace Studies (CRPS)
  • Development Innovation Lab (DIL)
  • Democracy Observation Network (DON)
  • Center for Human Rights Protection and Promotion (CHRPP)
  • Center for Social Science Research (CSSR)