Center for Social Sciences Research

Social sciences research and teaching in Nepal, not only in Nepal but it seems in almost all Asian nations, is in crisis at a time when it has a lot to contribute to understanding and analysis of its owns social, economic, and political dilemma. Center for Social Sciences Research (CSSR) is envisaged as an independent unit and professional center devoted to supporting and promotion of high-quality research in social sciences.

CSSR promote and facilitate high quality multi-and inter- disciplinary research on priority themes of contemporary relevance; help build research capacity through capacity building, training, scholarly exchanges; provide policy advice and help disseminate research findings to policymakers, practitioners, and the public at large. In doing so CSSR enrich the quality and depth of policy debates and underscore the vital role of social sciences in improving the quality of public life of the region.

Center welcomes partnerships with academic researchers, policymakers, and development practitioners both within and outside the nation. Center is manned with experienced researchers, policy analysts, academicians, independent intellectuals, and professionals; the center further engages such senior researchers with proven ability to bring up quality products through productive collaboration with the Think Tanks and other institutions inside the country and abroad.

Thematic Area

  • Social Diversity, social justice and Inclusion
  • Migration and Urbanization
  • Identity politics and Ethnicity
  • Media, Technology, and risk
  • Global and regional connection
  • Cross Cutting Issues


  • Research Work
  • Internships
  • Conference and Seminars
  • Capacity Building Courses
  • Public Events
  • Outreach Programs
  • Philanthropic Activities