Scope of Work

RADD focuses on a wide array of social, economic, cultural, environmental, institutional, and political research. The key findings of such studies regularly disseminate through publication, training, and orientation courses as well as workshops, seminars, and conferences.


As a center of excellence, it tries to bring together the leading experts from the national, regional, and international constituencies to deliberate on a wide range of priority issues and agendas of the day.


RADD intends to cultivate a high-level academic environment by executing surveys and research projects on the key issues by providing venue for information sharing, and disseminating the works and products of policy research from experienced individuals and institutions. For this purpose, it develop networks with relevant and like-minded stakeholders at various levels.


RADD disseminate its findings through appropriate channels such as online engagement, publication, and organization of events making available multi-platform products (reports, journals, monographs, policy briefs, and research). Thus, engage intellectuals, civil society members, parliamentarians, public service officials, development institutions and other procurers of services. Its outreach approach aims to contribute to a broad-based set of inclusive, equitable, and sustainable democratic and development values.


RADD maintain a databank facilitating the latest as well as advanced online services on the socio-economic and other development indicators.


RADD conducts training in the contemporary socio-economic issues based especially on the felt need from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers including the parliamentarians.


RADD tries to supplement the policies of the governments and private sector organizations.


RADD provide internships and volunteer exchange programs to encourage the young and upcoming professionals. This will further enhance the research capacity to bring in fresh and innovative ideas.